Baring Refinish

Log Home Cleaning & Staining Log Home Cleaning & Staining

Cleaning and refinishing at family cabin near Baring, WA
(Click "Read More" for description & photos)


Wood surfaces, especially logs, can darken through the years with a buildup of grime that must be periodically removed. Left unattended, the home can sag into an appearance of disrepair. Not uncommonly, the darkening can also be the presence of mildew.

Typical cleaning operations include the use of a eco-friendly stripper solution and pressure washing. If only a mild cleaning and reapplication of stain is necessary then pressure washing alone may suffice.

The process of pressure washing can cause the fibers of the wood to raise slightly leaving a fuzz-like appearance. This “fuzz” leaves an untidy finish and can interfere with the stain application. Creasey Log Homes utilizes a special de-burring pad to gently remove the fibers without altering the surface density and appearance as sanding would.

Once all logs are ready for application, the home is masked and the logs sprayed and then backbrushed to avoid any dripping. In chinked homes, the chinking is typically sprayed as well but immediately cleaned with thinner. This speeds the application process and often produces a better result.

Log surfaces that are heavily darkened require a more vigorous cleaning process such as blasting or sanding. Upon inspection, Creasey Log Homes can determine the best method for your home. (Scroll down for photos)

Read 3612 times Last modified on Tuesday, 08 May 2012 18:59
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