Preservation: The Old Cabin on the River

A riverfront log cabin restoration A riverfront log cabin restoration A riverfront log cabin restoration

Years ago, this family cabin in Northwest Washington was built close to the river, before certain building codes were required. This made it necessary to preserve the cabin (rather than rebuild) because if torn down, the family would not be permitted to rebuild in the same location. Creasey Log Homes (CLH) was hired to repair and restore the cabin.

Riverfront cabin restorationFirst, Creasey Log Homes repaired damage to the logs due to rot, upgraded roof insulation, installed new roofing and refinished exterior logs to protect logs from any further damage.

In addition to the log cabin restoration projects, bunkbeds were built to accommmodate the third generation to love this cabin…the grandkids! In the main living area next to the wood stove, CLH installed custom flooring milled (by Terry Creasey) from reclaimed wood from an old grain silo. And of course, througout the entire process, care was taken so that the changes made to the cabin would only serve to enhance the original look and feel of this charming cabin in the woods. [Click here to view more photos]

Read 5722 times Last modified on Sunday, 23 November 2014 03:14

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